The Application of TPB in Consumer's Behavioral Intention(BI) 计划行为理论(TPB)在消费行为意向(BI)研究中的应用
Ethical Evaluation on Salespersons ′ Behavioral Intention(BI) of Gray Marketing & The Impact of Reference Groups 灰色营销的道德评价和行为倾向&参考群体的影响
Study on the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumers ' Attributions and Behavioral Intention(BI) in a Product-Harm Crisis 危机情境下企业社会责任对消费者归因及购买意愿影响研究
On the other hand, destination image is found to have significant impacts on tourists'destination choice, experience quality and behavioral intention. 景区形象对旅游者出游前的目的地选择、游中的体验评价和游后行为倾向都有影响。
It also means you're less likely to actually be on the Trail someday, because when other people take notice of an individual's identity-related behavioral intention, this gives the individual a premature sense of possessing the aspired-to identity. 那也意味着你不太可能在某天真的踏上这段旅程了,因为当人们注意到个人与认同相关的行为意图,这将给这个个体一种已经拥有这种期望意图的假象。