I mean, to the present, PC installed base has seen a number of years? 我的意思是,到今时今日,PC安装基础已经经历了多少个年头?
Installed base and number of apps. 平台的安装基数与其上的应用数量。
There is a large discrepancy between the installed base of a mobile platform and the corresponding applications. 移动平台的安装基数与对应的应用数量之间存在极大的落差。
The cable companies offer a significant installed base of pay television subscribers and fast data rates using their cable modem technology as they expand their services into data and voice communications. 在将其业务扩展到数据和语音通讯的同时,有线电视公司形成了非常重要的收费电视用户安装基础,并设定了使用现代有线技术的高速数据费率。
Companies can use asset management tools to find exactly what hardware and software are out there in the installed base. 公司可以利用资产管理工具确切地找出在已安装的设备中有哪些硬件与软件。