It's really important to spay or neuter your pets. 为你的宠物实施切除卵巢或阉割手术非常重要。
Spay and Neuter : Rabbits will live healthier and longer lives when altered and won't contribute to the overpopulation problem. 去势:去势后,兔子会活得更健康,更长久,并且不会有繁殖过剩的问题。
With the change, the league will be able to continue adopting cats, and funding their spay and neuter program. 有了这些钱,动物联盟就能继续收养孟那堤郡的野猫,继续资助猫咪节育计划。
In the future we shall be seeking more of these specific donations to cover special purposes such as spay and neuter subsidy programme, or the salary of a full-time staff member to run the Thrift Shop. 将来我们亦会为特别的项目如动物绝育手术资助计划、请一位全职福利中心职员等筹务经费。