A workgroup is a group of computers that share files and resources. 工作组(WKGP)是一组共享文件和资源的计算机。
This user can view all assignments of users he or she has sent a workgroup message to. 此用户可以查看所有他或她发送了工作组(WKGP)消息的用户的全部工作分配信息。
Then type a workgroup name in this box. 然后在这个框中键入一个工作组(WKGP)名。
There was support for Workgroup(WKGP) and Local repository storage in that implementation, but no scalable enterprise repositories. 在该实现中,它支持工作组(WKGP)和本地存储库存储,但不支持任何可伸缩性企业存储库。
Create new tasks to share with your workgroup and colleagues. 创建与工作组(WKGP)和同事共享的新任务。