King Wu believed that He Shi Had deceived him and had He Shi's right foot cut off. 武王认为和氏欺骗了他,就砍掉了和氏的右脚。
You should feel distinct pressure on the inside of your right foot, as though you are actually pushing off that foot. 当然你会自然地感觉到加载于右脚内侧的压力,感觉上就像你的右脚要向右侧蹬出去一样。
Put the right foot in front of the left, and shift weight onto the front foot so that the left heel is off the ground. Do this 10 times. 两脚与肩同宽站立,再将右脚放在左脚前面,将身体重心移到右脚,从而让左脚跟离地,重复做10次。