A variety of patterns, fabrics of different ways, which deduce many of the " Art Nouveau " innovation symbols, which make Harbin become such a fashionable " Art Nouveau " Charm City(CC). 其多样的形态,不同的组构方式,演绎出无数的新艺术创新符号,使哈尔滨成为时尚的新艺术魅力之都。
But just as they've moved to knock down the ancient alleyways that once gave Beijing its charm, city officials are now moving to rein in the skewer sellers. 然而,就像市政府官员采取行动拆除那一度让北京魅力无限的古老胡同一样,现在他们又开始动手整治烤串商贩。
The charm of city lies in its specific culture and character. 城市的魅力在于其特有的文化和性格。
Fifth, the environment facilities are not regional, and local characteristics, it reduced the identifiability and space charm of city. 第五,环境设施没有地域、本土特色,降低了城市的可识别性和空间魅力。
The development of the city in experience from the original natural state to the high speed modern development of blindly convergence, the construction of urban characteristics is the unavoidable trend for the further development of city and highlighting the charm of city. 城市的发展在经历了从原始的自然状态到盲目地趋同式高速现代化发展后,城市特色的营造是城市进一步发展和凸显魅力不可回避的发展趋势。