Data sent from the device to the host is read on the falling edge of the clock signal; 从设备发送给主机的数据时在时钟信号的下降沿(FE)读取的;
Radar Emitter Recognition Based on Rising / Falling Edge(FE) of Pulse Signal 基于脉冲信号上升/下降沿(FE)的雷达辐射源识别
The input signal is sampled on the falling edge of CONVST and the conversion is also initiated at this point. 输入信号在CONVST的下降沿(FE)进行采样,而转换同时在此处启动。
Adopting the fitting method, the relationship between the peak temperature and the time during the rising edge and the falling edge is obtained. 采用拟合的方法得到了单脉冲注入时上升沿和下降沿(FE)峰值温度与时间的关系。
The extraction methods of pulse signal envelope feature using the complex wavelet transform and Hilbert transform are discussed in the article, by which we extract the rising edge, falling edge, envelope top drop and pulse width as the final feature values. 研究了对脉冲信号包络特征的提取方法,利用复小波变换和希尔伯特变换获取稳态信号包络,提取上升沿、下降沿(FE)、包络顶降以及脉宽等参数作为稳态特征。