The person that found ( the ) issue took the proper steps to report it to Microsoft, however, they grew impatient with Microsoft and decided to release exploit code before Microsoft announced a patch. 他应该通过合理的途径向微软报告。然而,这家伙没有足够的耐心,以至于在微软发布补丁之前就公布了这个漏洞。
For example, Microsoft calls it hot patching and uses it to patch systems without requiring a reboot. 比如,微软把它叫做热补丁,使用它来修补系统而不需要系统的重启。
Second, it took Microsoft what many would consider a very long time to come up with a patch for this problem. 二很多人认为微软采取什么很久想出这个问题的补丁。