He was supposed to go back to Bergen(LOB) on the last bus, but of course the accident prevented him 他本来要乘最后一班汽车回卑尔根(LOB),但当然,这起事故使他没能回去。
Good old Bergen(LOB) would do him the favor. 好心肠的老伯根会帮他这个忙的。
This is the website of the University of Bergen(LOB). 这是卑尔根(LOB)大学的网站。
She is the lead author of a study by a team from Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital and the University of Bergen(LOB) in Norway. 哈佛(附属)的布里格姆妇女医院和挪威卑尔根(LOB)大学成立了一个研究小组,DeMeo博士是该小组一项研究课题的主要撰写人。
This family dwelling is located on one of Bergen(LOB)'s most attractive sites. 这家住宅位于卑尔根(LOB)的一个很有吸引力的地方。