Shy people, having low self esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. 羞怯的人自尊心较弱,容易消极被动,并且易受他人影响。
As character education specialist Thomas Lickona points out in his essay, the neglected heart, teenage sex often leads to feelings of having been used, low self esteem, ruined relationships and fear of future commitments. 品格教育专家托马斯?李柯纳在一篇名为《被忽视的心灵》的文章中指出,青少年的性行为常常导致产生被人利用的感觉、自尊心低下、人际关系恶劣以及对未来责任的畏惧。
Some effects of this feeling is stress related, low self esteem, under confidence and trying hard to be perfect. 有这种感觉的一些影响是陷入压力,情绪低落,没自信,很难做到一个完美的自我。
They have low self esteem and have few personal boundaries. 他们不够自尊,人格不建全。
Being a shy little skinny Asian kid growing up in the Silicon Valley with low self esteem, those guys made me believe in something bigger. 作为一个在硅谷长大的瘦小腼腆的亚洲孩子,有点自卑,这些家伙让我相信可以成就更大的事情。