If completed as planned, they would export 68 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year to China. 如果按计划完工,每年将能向中国输送680亿立方米的天然气。
Just two years ago, the National Energy Administration estimated that China would produce 60 billion to 100 billion cubic meters of shale gas alone by 2020. 就在两年前,国家能源局还曾估计,2020年,单是国内的页岩气产量就可以达到600亿到1000亿立方米。
With economic development, this year's Sichuan gas gap of20 billion cubic meters. 在我国,仅新年贺卡的消费就高达20多亿元。
Over the past five decades, the country has consumed a total of10 billion cubic meters of forest resources. 过去五十年,全国共消耗森林资源100亿立方米。
Also in 2009, a pipeline began operations that stretches 4,000 kilometers across Central Asia and is capable of shipping 30 billion cubic meters of gas a year from Turkmenistan to western China. 同样在2009年,一条绵延4000公里、横贯中亚的管线开始运行,这条管线每年能够从土库曼斯坦向中国西部输送300亿立方米天然气。