Unfortunately, what we have is constant zero. I think it's demoralizing to the people in Japan. 但不幸的是,日本永远只有零增长――也许这么说会让日本人泄气。
Now the address zero I said I think on Monday is special. 周一我说过的地址0是专用的。
The maximal flow rate increased from zero to 12.3 ml / s we think that this method is simple, safe and efficacious and that it may be the first selection for patients who can not tolerate the traditional operation. 最大尿流率由零增加到平均12.3ml/s。认为该法简单、安全有效,为不能耐受手术的高危前列腺增生患者首选治疗方法。
" In a near zero percent world," says Trauner," we think we're approaching a20 % earnings yield on something where there really is a very large institutional base of business. " 特劳纳称:“在大部分企业的净收益率接近0%的情况下,我们认为,我们在惠普身上实现的净收益率可能会接近20%,而且惠普还有非常庞大的企业业务基础。”
We will always have r equals zero in these radial probability distribution graphs, and we can think about why that is. 在这些径向概率分布图里,总有r等于0处,我们可以考虑为什么会这样。