They won the gold silver and bronze medals in the women's doubles event at the Sydney Olympics. 她们在悉尼奥运会的女子双打中囊括金,银和铜三块奖牌。
Tensions between Li and the tennis federation haven't improved in recent months, after they entered her into the London 2012 Olympic doubles event without her approval. 网球运动管理中心没有征得李娜的同意就为她报了2012年伦敦奥运会网球女双比赛,近几个月来李娜与网球运动管理中心之间的紧张关系一直没有改善。
The pattern of winning a women's doubles badminton event COMPARISON BETWEEN TECHNIQUES AND TACTICS IN TOP FEMALE DOUBLE BADMINTON TEAMS 羽毛球竞赛女双项目的制胜规律世界羽毛球强队女双技战术比较