Is owned by an individual contributor on the project team 被这个项目小组中单个的贡献者所拥有
Frankly, it suggests to me that too many organisations are rather naive about the ingredients of leadership and make the classic mistake of assuming that someone who is an outstanding individual contributor would therefore be an outstanding leader. 老实讲,这让我感到,许多组织机构对于领导层应具备要素的想法过于天真,它们犯了个典型错误,它们认为一个杰出的个体贡献者将成为一名杰出的领导者。
It limits the ability to manage the organization at the program level as data doesn't flow smoothly up from the individual contributor level. 由于数据不能够平滑的从个体贡献者层次流动上来,所以这样做限制了在编程层次上管理公司的能力。
An architect may need to review sets of changes from an individual contributor before introducing them into the master model. 一个构件可能需要在将它们引入到主模型之前浏览来自单个贡献者的变更设置。
The position he was being offered, however, was a high-level, individual contributor one that essentially repeated a role that he had already done extensively before. 但是那份工作是一份高指标、个人化的工作,也就是他过去一直做的。