Choosing one discipline to master does not mean that a company abandons the other two, only that it picks a dimension of value on which to stake its market reputation over the long term. 选择一种价值规则以求精通并不意味着公司需摒弃其他两种,只不过是公司挑选出价值观的一个方面并以此为基础长期建立信誉。
The Tasks and Countermeasures Faced by the Discipline of Master Plan and Transportation 总图运输专业面临的任务及对策
A good development momentum of humane discipline The Site of Master of Higher Education has been cultivated, and an academic position has been built depending on the public publication. 取得了显著的科研业绩,培育了一个发展势头良好的人文学科高等教育学硕士点,建立了一个以公开刊物为依托的学术阵地全国优秀社科学报,荣获首届全国高校优秀高等教育研究机构。
Sports Psychology-a discipline that coaches and athletes must master 运动心理学&一门教练员与运动员必须精读的学科
In order to excel at a job, a sport or any discipline, a person must acquire and master certain skills. 为能够胜任一项工作,一项运动或其他的任务,一个人必须具备和掌握相关的技能。