Details of each rejected event can be viewed in a separate screen, blocked messages can be read and restored. 每一个被拒绝事件的详情,可浏览在一个单独的屏幕,封锁消息可以读取和恢复。
Inline editing : Quick editing of specific items in the backlog allows users to make fast changes without going to a separate screen to perform edit functions. 行内编辑:对backlog中指定项目进行快速编辑,这让用户可以对其做出快速的改变,而不需要转到单独的页面去执行编辑功能。
The Authorized Client IP group is created by entering the IP addresses of personnel with the business need to access cardholder data in a separate screen. 在另一个屏幕上,输入需要访问持卡人数据的人员的IP地址,从而建立AuthorizedClientIP组。
Every fa ç ade may become a separate screen or reflect dining scenes and various shows happening within the building. 每一个外立面都可以单独成为一个娱乐媒体屏幕,同时也能反射出大楼内的各种餐饮和节目表演。
Make sure that only blank lines in the stanza file separate the screen definitions. 确保节文件中只有空白行分隔屏幕定义。