The main research conclusions as follow : 1. Wheel speed has significant impact on the vibration frequencies in sawing process. The first-order vibration frequency is the product of wheel speed and the number of bead per unit length of wire saw. 得出了以下主要结论:1、线速度对锯切过程中的串珠绳的振动频率有明显的影响,锯切过程中的一阶振动主频为串珠绳线速度与单位长度串珠个数的乘积。
On the basis of development and reliability field trials, the author summed up the main test results to confirm that the fatigue strength of butt welding bead for pitman of pumping unit is much higher than those of wave lap welding bead, which merits popularization. 本文通过设计研制及可靠性试验,证明了抽油机连杆采用对接环焊缝的疲劳强度比传统的波浪形搭接焊缝的疲劳强度高得多,这种新结构值得推广。
Technology of Copper Plating Line for Bead Wire and It's Design on Nonstandard Unit 轮胎钢丝镀铜机组工艺和非标设备设计
The tyre bead must not be pressing against the wheel electronics unit. 不得将胎圈压在车轮电子设备单元上。
The main characteristics of joint location and bead arrangements both within auto-production line and for individual autoCO_2 / MAG welding unit are introduced through the charts and tables. 通过图表介绍了CO2/MAG焊接自动线和自动机的加工部位,焊缝布置和主要特点。