It links and elects superiorly from the extrapolated data of the weighted fusion result and radar data in the time, gets the reference value of the fusion algorithm ( the value is the benchmark that the weighted averaging method calculates the weight ). 对加权融合结果的外推数据和雷达数据的外推数据进行时间上的关联、选优得到融合算法的参考值(该值是加权平均方法确定权值的基准)。
The thesis applies AHP to construct Comparison Matrix which bases on the column of the data objects and whose benchmark is the variance of the dimension characteristics, so as to calculate the weight of each dimensional feature to balance their roles. 本文运用层次分析法,从数据对象纵向上构造了一个成对比较矩阵,以各维特征的方差为基准,计算各维特征的权重来平衡它们的作用。
Results of the two benchmark functions indicate that the PSO algorithm based on the strategy of random inertia weight ( RIW ) has been significantly improved on both optimization speed and computational accuracy. 测试表明基于随机惯性权(RIW)策略的PSO算法,其全局搜优的速率与精度有明显提高。
The results of five benchmark functions prove the model to be feasible, at the same time show that the performance of the PSO with stochastic inertia weight is improved obviously than that of the PSO with linearly decreasing inertia weight. 通过五个典型测试函数的仿真实验,验证了其可行性,同时也表明具有随机惯性权重的PSO算法较具有线性递减惯性权重的PSO算法在收敛速度和全局收敛性方面有明显提高。