Define sustainable growth as a balanced growth path generating both rising consumption per capita and an improving environment. 将可持续增长定义为导致人均消费上升和环境改善的平衡增长路径。
The results also support the argument that, as for the policy implications, large government-initiated shocks aimed at improving fundamentals may exert positive effects on the balanced growth path. 在政策内涵上,本文的结论支持了由政府主导的意在改善基本面的大型冲击是有可能在平衡增长路径上发挥积极作用的观点。
Using the new balanced growth path equation, the author proves that Acre are both positive and negative effects of population aging on economic growth; 利用新经济平衡增长路径方程,证明了老龄化对经济增长在理论上存在着正负两方面的作用效应;
This paper estimates the aging population effects on the balanced economic growth path by establishing a new equation of the balanced growth path based on the Solow growth model, which includes a variable of symbolizing an aging population. 本文将人口老龄化因素变量引入到索洛增长模型中,建立了包含人口老龄化因素变量的经济平衡增长路径方程,进而分析了人口老龄化因素对经济平衡增长路径的影响效应。
Then the author analyzes the effects of changing the rate of population aging on balanced growth path, output, and labor's consumption, and gets the different formulas of standard coefficient of retirements income. 分析了老龄化率变动对经济平衡增长路径、产出和劳动力消费的影响效应;并给山了养老标准系数的不同临界点的计算公式。