You can also create a boot floppy with GRUB to use in case of emergency. 您也可以创建一个Grub的启动软盘来进行急救。
Remive boot floppy disk and press any key to restart. 取出引导软盘(BF),按任意键重启。
Security Account Manager needs to get the boot key from floppy disk. 安全帐户管理员需要从软盘获得启动密钥。
You may normally boot from a hard drive, but you may sometimes need to boot from a floppy disk, a USB memory key, a CD or DVD, or a network. 您可能通常从硬盘驱动器引导,但有时可能需要从软盘、USB内存密匙、CD或DVD,或者网络引导。
This option especially useful if you wish to boot from a floppy. 当希望从软盘引导时,这个选项尤其有用。