By an analysis of the statistical data of 2003 from the National Agricultural Technology Center(ATC) and the data of peasant household survey in 2000, the conditions are depicted of the spatial distribution and product mix of the consumption of nitrogenous fertilizers in China and the crop demand. 通过对全国农技中心2003年统计数据和2000年农户调查数据的分析,阐明了我国氮肥消费的空间分布、品种结构和农作物需求状况;
It relys on the predominance of completed agricultural subject of cau, combining the cau plant micro-ecological project research center and national beneficial microbe technology research extension center. 中心依托中国农业大学齐全的农业学科优势,整合了中国农业大学植物生态工程研究所和国家增产菌技术研究推广中心。
Rationalize the agricultural extension information services management mechanism. Agriculture technology extension station in township will be managed directly by county agricultural sector management. Build a cross-town center to promote regional industrial. 理顺农业推广信息服务机构的管理机制,乡镇农技推广站由县农业部门垂直管理,建设跨乡镇区域产业信息推广服务中心。