Other functions include E-book, general PDA functions, MP3 player, album and voice recorder, etc. 其他功能包括电子书、一般个人电子手账功能、MP3播放器、相簿、录音功能等。
Why buy a digital voice recorder when you have a retired iPhone? 如果你有一部退役的iPhone,为什么还要购买数码录音机呢?
Meanwhile, at the scene of the crash, the retrieval of the black boxes ( the cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder ) may only have symbolic significance and may have no real constructive role in determining the details of the crash. 同时,在坠机现场取回的黑匣子(驾驶舱语音记录器(VR)和飞行数据记录器)可能只具有象征意义,在确定坠毁细节方面并不会起到真正的建设性作用。
If China finds this," he said, pointing to my voice recorder and then reaching for my throat in mock vengeance," on Judgment Day I will catch your neck. 如果中国政府找到这个,“他指了指我的录音设备,又指了指我的脖子,故作凶狠地说,”在审判日那天,我不会放过你的。
Following a jetliner accident, the media is quick to report on the search for the " black boxes," or the airplane's flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder. 飞机失事后,媒体会迅速报道黑匣子(即驾驶舱语音记录仪和飞行数据记录仪)的搜寻情况。