The stochastic equations in the lattice gauge field theory and the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the Wilson loop variable 格点规范理论的随机方程和Wilson圈变量的Schwinger-Dyson方程
Discussed in this paper is a calculation method for the dynamical mass of the top quark in the top quark condensation model with the ladder Schwinger-Dyson equation. 讨论了在t夸克凝聚模型中,利用梯形近似下的Schwinger-Dyson方程计算t夸克动力学质量的方法。
Weak coupling approximate Schwinger-Dyson equation of the straton's propagator in quantum chromodynamics and Its Solutions 弱耦合近似下量子色动力学中层子传播函数Schinger-Dyson方程及其解
The relation between the Langevin equation and the Schwinger - Dyson equation for the Wilson loop is discussed. 讨论了方程的解的形式及其和Wilson圈的Schwinger-Dyson方程的关系。