Order or request for a specific duty or role. 为了特殊的职责或者特殊的角色命令或者要求。
It is a good idea to allocate a specific duty to a specific person. 责任到人是个好办法。
The delegate is in those who set specific duty to recieve personnel, the daily connection of responsible school, student, parent works, solve Chinese student dealing with go to Russia to study abroad the difficulty that encounters in the process. 代表处设有专职的接待人员,负责学校、学生、家长的日常联系工作,解决中国学生在办理赴俄留学过程中所碰到的困难。
To Quicken Xinjiang's economic development, the Central Government of China decided to launch the energy resources tax reform in Xinjiang : from specific duty taxation to valuation taxation. 为加快新疆发展,中央决定由新疆率先进行资源税费改革,将原油、天然气资源税由从量计征改为从价计征。
Both advalorem taxes and specific duty are regular means of the levy of commodity tax. 从价税与从量税是在商品税征收过程中经常采用的两种征收方法。