This business is to point to your friends in a point to point to send text messages, mobile phone short message center system will be in messages to return a status report form, that message to success. 该业务是指您在给朋友发送点对点短信时,移动短信中心系统会以短信方式返回一个状态回执报告,告之短信是否成功送达。
It also inspired a special clothing line and mobile phone applications, the center said. 它也激发了特殊服饰生产线和移动电话应用程序,该中心说。
The other hunter soon took out his mobile phone to call the emergency center for help. 另一个猎人赶紧拿出手机拨通紧急求助电话。
And now, young Japanese for whom the mobile phone has increasingly become the center of their universe have something new & it can be the remote control for their toy car. 手机已经日益成为日本年轻一代的生活焦点。如今,他们有了新成员&可以用作遥控玩具汽车的手机。
The mobile phone is becoming a multimedia center which People can carry and move it. Of course, this may also make mobile phones become the largest advertising medium. 手机正在变成人们随身携带、移动的多媒体中心,当然这也可能使手机成为未来最大的广告媒介,手机广告的出现使手机正在实现由人际沟通工具向大众媒介跨越。