Many of the garments have the customers ' name tags sewn into the linings. 这些衣服有很多内衬上缝有顾客的姓名签。
He greets customers by name and enquires about their health. 他跟顾客打招呼时直呼其名,并问他们身体可好。
He is unfailingly polite, greeting all the staff and many of the customers by name. 弗里曼的礼貌令人印象深刻,他记得所有员工和许多顾客的名字,一一向他们打招呼。
One evidence of friendliness is to greet customers by name. 一项友善的证明就是礼貌称呼客户的名字。
To make the tickets look real, some stores have introduced ticketing systems that allow the customers to enter their name, nationality and other information on their tickets. 为了让船票看起来逼真,一些商铺还引进了售票系统,允许客户在船票上键入他们的名字,国籍和其他信息。