Under current time zone, type a description in the label box. 在“当前时区”之下,在“标签”框中键入说明。
Moreover it caused the budget method to fall into erroneous zone by the financial data description value increment way. 进而使得预算方法陷入了单纯地以财务数据描述价值增值路径的误区。
The management of water and its dissolved organic contaminants from soil surface through the unsaturated zone to groundwater supplies requires an accurate conceptual understanding and a quantitative description of all relevant physical, chemical and biological processes and properties in the unsaturated zone. 为了解有机污染物如何自土表经过不饱和层(包气带)进入含水层,需要对不饱和层中所进行的各种物理、化学和生物等过程进行较准确的定量描述。
Secondly, the introduced environmental legislation coal zone, From the legislative system, both the content and features a brief description of the social environment of coal district legislative system. 其次介绍了煤区的环境立法,从立法体系的内容和特征两方面简单说明煤区环境立法体系。