Super model is treated by heat and good wearproof function and set with twisting compensation structure. 上模经热处理后,耐磨性好,上模配有斜楔式挠度补偿机构。
It is no good having a super model of a horse if it has not got the right aptitude for learning and a heart big enough to keep trying when the chips are down. 如果马匹没有善于学习的资质,和在紧要关头不断努力的雄心,再好的身体也是徒劳。
I 'm not really into the super model body type, like Kate Moss, she doesn't have a vagina, she didn't feed it, and it died. 我不喜欢超模那种骨瘦如柴的体型,比如凯特摩斯,她根本就没有“小妹妹”,她不给它吃饭,它饿死了。
After that, Elite China plans to set up its Beijing agent office and will invite super model, Miss Guo Hua, to be Art Director. 之后,这一全球顶级赛事拟于北京成立经纪公司,并邀中国超级名模郭桦出任艺术总监。