The dispute became political earlier this year when the National Labour Relations Board(LRB) tried to stop Boeing from shifting work to a non-unionised state. 在今年早些时候,当国家劳工关系局试图阻止波音将工作转移到没有加入工会的地区时,这一争议演变成了一个政治问题。
A new Boeing factory in right-to-work South Carolina was blocked by the union-friendly National Labour Relations Board(LRB), until Boeing gave a gold-plated pay deal to its unionised workers in existing factories. 在保障就业权的南卡罗来纳州,亲工会的全国劳资关系委员会(LRB)封了波音公司的一个新工厂,直到公司向现有工厂里已加入工会的员工交出一份华而不实的薪水标准。