On Tuesday the International Monetary Fund released its latest World Economic Outlook(WEO). 国际货币基金组织(IMF)周二发布其最新的《世界经济展望(WEO)》(WorldEconomicOutlook)。
The International Monetary Fund expressed concern in the world economic outlook published this week that oil scarcity combined with rapid growth in oil-intensive emerging economies would continue pushing oil prices higher year after year. 国际货币基金组织(imf)在上周发布的《世界经济展望(WEO)》(worldeconomicoutlook)中表达了以下担忧:即石油短缺和石油密集型新兴经济体的高速增长,会逐年推高油价。
The World Economic Outlook(WEO) stresses financial conditions and domestic demand in the US, Europe and Japan as bigger threats now than in forecasts in April and July. 《世界经济展望(WEO)》强调称,与4月份和7月份时的预期相比,目前美国、欧洲和日本的金融状况和内需已成为更大的威胁。
Signs of weakness clouded the world economic outlook yesterday after a leading business survey indicated the contraction in eurozone manufacturing activity gathered pace this month, while industrial expansion also slowed in the US and China. 世界经济前景呈现趋弱的迹象。昨天一项主要的商业调查显示,本月欧元区制造业活动收缩加剧,而美国和中国的工业扩张也放慢了脚步。
Expert group on the world economic outlook; 世界经济展望(WEO)专家组;