Study and Practice of Characteristics of Working Oil Temperature in Variable Speed Turbo Coupling 调速型液力耦合器工作油温特性分析与应用
Working oil system is the key part in variable speed turbo coupling, while the problem of working oil temperature does harm to running of variable speed turbo coupling sometimes. 工作油系统是液力耦合器的关键环节,而工作油温问题时常影响液力耦合器的正常使用。
Max-Log-Map algorithm and modular design methodology is employed and the decoder is able to decode variable length Turbo codes. 译码器采用了Max-Log-Map译码算法和模块化的设计方法,可以对不同帧长的Turbo码进行译码。
Establishment of torque mathematic model for a variable speed turbo coupling is the key for analysis and calculation of system dynamic response. 建立调速型液力偶合器力矩特性数学模型是分析和计算机械系统动态响应的关键。
Combining the VLC with turbo codes, a new hybrid concatenated joint source-channel coding model is proposed, which is named as variable length turbo codes. 将可变长编码与Turbo编码相结合,提出了一种新型的信源信道混合级联编码模型,称为可变长Turbo码方法。