The Abnormal Expression of Rb Gene Product(GP) in the Hepatocellular Carcinogenesis of Rats and its Significance Rb基因产物(GP)在大鼠肝细胞癌变过程中的异常表达及意义
And for explore gene product function of P1 protein C end. 扩增产物用P1蛋白基因特异引物扩增鉴定。
Biological information was the essential technique for agricultural science, which could be used to analyze the gene, the gene structure, the function of gene product. 生物信息学是基因、基因结构、基因产物(GP)功能分析必不可少的技术手段。
Expression Value of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex 2 Gene Product(GP) Tuberin in Human Colorectal Cancer TSC2基因的表达产物tuberin在结直肠癌中的表达及其意义
When we altered the function of the gene duboraya, we saw problems with cilia formation, although the gene product itself is not a part of the structure. 虽然Duboraya基因不是绒毛的组成部分,但是如果我们改变的功能,绒毛形成障碍。