Wow, that girl sure knows how to boogie! She's got great moves. 那个女孩必须很会跳舞,你看她的动作多棒!
He has great vision and moves the ball well. 他有良好的视野以及出色的控球技术。
You've finally got it, the top of the line, latest and great computer that moves at the speed of sound and has everything you need, plus some. 你终于,在高高的路线、最新的电脑和大动作(GM),并已在音速一切你需要,加上一些。
For example, the great white shark moves through water with fearsome grace, thanks to 400m years of natural selection. 例如,大白鲨以令人生畏的优雅在水中穿行,这得益于4亿年的自然选择。
He's a great passer, he moves and he hits the midrange jumper. 他是一个伟大的过路人,他的举动和他的命中中度跳线。