He eventually caught the attention of executives at Warner Brothers Records(WBR). 终于,他引起了华纳兄弟唱片公司(WBR)经纪人的关注。
Warner Brothers Records(WBR), a music label, led the way, setting up a page to promote a new album by Paris Hilton. 华纳兄弟唱片公司(WBR)开了先河,他们建立页面宣传parishilton的新专辑。
Its distributor, Warner Brothers, said the last Harry Potter instalment broke international records as well with highest-ever weekend figures in the UK and Australia. 它的经销商,华纳兄弟,说的哈利·波特最后一季打破了一周内票房最高国际纪录当然也包括英国和澳洲的记录。