The salesman will call back at any house he missed. 那个推销员将重访他所怀念的每所房子。
No problem. I will call back later, thank you. 没问题,我会晚点儿再打,谢谢你!
In case Im not there, please leave a message and I will call back for your instruction. 假如我不在,请留言,我将打回电话询问您的指示。
The connection seems to be very bad. I will call back later. 线路好像有问题,我等会儿再打。
If he cannot finish his talk immediately, he may say he will call back and take the name and number of the person calling. 如果他不能很快结束正在进行的谈话,他可以说他会回电话(WCB),并且记下来电者的姓名和电话号码。