In certain situations, however for example, when you're working with integers or compressed files you need to be able to read and write binary data. 但是,在某些情况下,例如在处理整数或压缩文件时,需要能够读取和写入二进制数据。
At least wide receivers have to run, whereas I can guarantee you, without fear of contradiction, that no software engineer will ever have to write a binary search after they are hired. 因为至少接球员是需要跑的,而我却可以无所畏惧的向你保证,没有哪个被聘用的软件工程师必须写一个二分查找程序。
It would, however, be very tedious and difficult to write all information in binary code. 把所有的信息都翻译成二进制码是十分枯燥和困难的。
In this paper, we use hardware and software co-verification way to verify system functionality. Write C language programs, compiled to binary code executed by the CPU to generate test stimulus. 本文采用软硬件协同验证的方法,通过由C语言编写的高级程序编译生成CPU执行的二进制代码,生成测试激励,验证系统的功能。
Write a function to find the depth of a binary tree. 译:写个程序找到一个二叉树的深度。