He continued his studies at Wake Forest(WAKE) for one more year and graduated with a degree in psychology. 他继续在威克森林大学就读了1年,获得了心理学学士学位。
He has an undergraduate degree from Wake Forest(WAKE) University. 他在威克森林大学获得了本科学士学位。
Gary Miller, who studies obesity and weight loss at Wake Forest(WAKE) University in North Carolina, called the research encouraging, but said it's difficult to prove a direct influence from a single study. 加里·米勒在北卡罗来纳州威克森林大学从事肥胖和减肥方面的研究工作。他称这份研究报告鼓舞人心,但同时又指出单靠这么一个研究很难证明做瑜伽对减肥有直接影响。
From Wake Forest(WAKE) in the United States. 来自美国的维克森大学。
Andy Chan is particularly gifted at cultivating the bond between parents and Wake Forest(WAKE). 陈安道尤其擅长于培养家长与维克森林大学之间的情感联系。