An air traveler coming to Manhattan sees it rising inside the ring of its low-lying suburbs like some astonishing Everest, but one flies into Washington almost as if onto the field of a stadium. 乘飞机到纽约的旅客看到曼哈顿像珠穆朗玛峰一样从低洼的郊区环抱中拔地而起,但是进入华盛顿的旅客的感觉几乎是置身于一个平坦的体育场。
Sarah Doherty of the University of Washington in the United States used field samples to trace the origins of the black carbon coating snow in the Arctic to biomass burning in Eurasia. 多哈蒂通过采样,发现覆盖在北极积雪表面上的炭黑的源头是欧亚地区燃烧生物燃料所致。
As networks start political blogs, the Washington Post and Newsweek are entering a field that has largely been the domain of the big networks : live coverage of election returns. 因为网路启动政治的部落格,华盛顿邮报和新闻周刊正在进入已经主要地是大网路的网域的一个栏位:选举的活报导返回。
A fourth, redirected towards Washington, DC, crashed in a field in Pennsylvania after passengers tried to regain control, killing everyone on board. 第四架飞机直向华盛顿飞去,然而在乘客与劫机者搏斗重获控制权之后阻止了这架飞机撞向目标,随后此机高速坠毁在宾夕法尼亚乡间,机上所有人都失去了生命。
We stayed at a tourist cabin in Washington, where I bought Audrey a painted fungus of a cabin by a field in the woods that reminded us of our old house in New Hampshire. 在华盛顿,我们住在一个度假屋里。我在那给奥黛丽买了一个在树林里的田野旁的油漆的屋型蘑菇。这让我们想起我们在新汉普郡的老房子。