In the early1930s, Roosevelt believed in " workfare " and Hoover made loans to bankers. 在1930年代早期罗斯福信仰“工作福利制”,而胡佛却向银行家提供借贷。
In rich countries, workfare is meant to stop people living off the state rather than finding gainful employment. 在发达国家,工作福利意味着帮助人们脱离对国家的依赖,而不是阻止人们自己去赚钱。
They should be supplemented by other transfer programs such as social pensions or workfare to provide social protection to all vulnerable groups. 应当辅之以其他转移支付计划,譬如针对所有弱势群体提供社会保障的社会养老金或劳动福利计划。
Given the need and the trend and the level of poverty, the advantages of the workfare program are clear. 考虑到贫困人口的需求以及贫困趋势和贫困水平,劳动福利计划的好处很显然。
They are intended to support poor households with children, and should be supplemented by other transfer programs such as social pensions or workfare to reach all vulnerable groups. 它们旨在支持有孩子的贫困家庭,而且应以社会养老或劳动福利项目等其他旨在惠及所有弱势群体的资助项目作为补充。