He has no qualification ( s ) to teach college students. 他没有具备教大学的资格。
By2001, this had started to change, and by2006 a greater proportion of highly educated women had a partner than those with no qualification. 到2001年,这一比例已开始转变,并在2006年较大比例的高学历女性有一个合伙人比那些没有任何资格。
That's of her own will! He hasn't that kind of ability! He also has no qualification! He has no right! 那是她自愿的!他没那本事!他也没那资格!他没那权利!
Once on revenue share, there is no qualification criterion in order to be able to receive revenue share for a player. 一旦使用收入共享,就没有资质认证去让一个运发动可以失掉收入共享。
Born in 1944 and raised on a walnut ranch in Modesto, California, the young Mr Lucas had no evident qualification to live down or move beyond that humbly named home town. 他出生于1944年,在加利福尼亚州莫德斯托(Modesto)的一处核桃园农场上长大,年轻时的卢卡斯并未明显展现出能使他定居在或者走出籍籍无名的家乡小镇的特质。