To probe into the methods of establishing model of sudden cardiac arrest of rabbits. 以兔为研究对象,探讨电刺激法致心脏骤停(SCA)模型建立的方法。
Study on the Effects of 4 ℃ Hypertonic Saline in Rat Brain Tissues after Sudden Cardiac Arrest(SCA) and Resuscitation 4℃高渗盐对心搏骤停复苏后大鼠脑组织作用的研究
Vigorous cardiopulmonary resuscitation ( CPR ) with more chest compressions on people with sudden cardiac arrest can improve the survival rate, a new study shows. 最新研究表明,积极的心肺复苏辅以更多次的胸部按压,能改善突发心脏骤停(SCA)患者的生存率。
Previous studies have shown that earthquakes, war or even the loss of a World Cup Soccer match can increase rates of death from sudden cardiac arrest, in which the heart stops circulating blood. 之前的研究已经表明,地震、战争、甚至输了一场世界杯都会增加突发心搏停止而死的机率,在这种情况下心脏停止了供血循环。
The effects of 4 ℃ hypertonic saline in expression of caspase-3 and GFAP after sudden cardiac arrest on rats 4℃高渗盐对大鼠心搏骤停脑Caspase-3及GFAP表达的影响