The canteen serves fried shrimp and Dr Pepper(DP). 平台的餐厅里有炸虾和胡椒博士(DP)饮料供应。
A great example of this right now is my favourite soft drink, Dr Pepper(DP). 眼前有一个很好的例子drpepper,我最喜欢的一种软饮料。
Dr Pepper(DP) Snapple Group this year reformulated its Snapple tea drinks to take out the HFCS and in April changed its logo to All Natural Snapple. DrPepperSnappleGroup今年调整了Snapple茶饮料配方,以去掉HFCS,并在4月份将其标识改为纯天然Snapple。
The 90-year-old beverage, considered a ' midsize ' brand at Dr Pepper(DP) Snapple, had 2011 sales of more than $ 100 million, the company says, citing Nielsen data. 公司援引尼尔森市场调查公司(Nielsen)的数据说,这个在DrPepperSnapple集团被视为中型品牌的饮料拥有90年的历史,其2011年的销售额超过了1亿美元。
The hope, says Andrew Springate, senior vice president of marketing at Dr Pepper(DP) Snapple, is that the students will oversee the brand, ' soup to nuts, ' for the foreseeable future. DrPepperSnapple集团高级营销副总裁安德鲁•斯普林盖特(AndrewSpringate)说,希望学生能够全方位地远瞻到品牌可以预见的未来。