Someone who is not competent to take effective action. 由于没有能力不能胜任而不能作出有效行动的人。
It will be a " green " century in the 21st century; we will face the increasingly serious environment and resource issue, every country in the world will take effective action to prevent it, and production of food will be the key area. 21世纪是一个绿色的世纪,面临日益严重的环境和资源问题,世界各国将采取实质性行动,而食物生产将是采取行动的重点领域。
So we should have the plan to take the effective action to raise the players tactic consciousness in the process of technique and tactical training, body and psychological training. 因此应在技、战术训练和身体、心理训练过程中有计划的采取有效措施(TEA)培养运动员的战术意识。
Follow up and summary customer quality complaints and take effective improvement action; 跟踪汇总客户质量投诉并采取有效措施(TEA);
The Horn of Africa drought exposes the continuing gap between our ability to predict disaster and to take effective humanitarian action. 非洲之角的干旱暴露出我们预测灾难的能力与采取有效人道主义行动的能力之间持续的差距。