Calculation of aerodynamic characteristics with existence of the bomb - wing - body configuration disturbance 弹-翼-机身组合体干扰条件下航弹的气动特性计算
The aerodynamic parameters of the bomb, which under the wing are calculated. 计算了处于机翼、机身干扰流场中的航弹的气动力参数。
The tactic to delivery guided bomb with laser is researched, while the laser bundle is transmitted by the fighter itself, that is to delivery guided bomb with laser in non wing level and to egress in turning. 对攻击机本机照射激光束、投放激光制导炸弹的战术进行研究,即攻击机本机照射激光束、采用机翼非水平转弯投放方式投放激光制导炸弹、转弯退出的战术。