It also makes assertions that may not be consistently valid, i.e. the idea that younger adults and children are always comfortable with technology, and that correspondingly older people are more likely to find technology awkward. 同时,那些认为年轻人和孩子通常都喜欢技术并且运用自如、而年长的人总觉得技术很难搞的观点说的也并不一定是事实。
Lenders believe customers are generally comfortable with technology that saves them time, such as biometric identification or contactless payments, or reduces fraud. 银行认为,客户一般乐于使用更省时的技术,如生物特征识别或非接触式支付,以及有助于减少欺诈的技术。
He participated in2000 National Comfortable Housing Technology Project in1990s and served as the team leader of the industrial policy team. 九十年代参加2000年国家小康住宅科技项目,任产业政策组组长。
Companies hiring at all levels, from entry-level staff to experienced professionals, are comfortable using new technology. 公司各个级别的招聘&从初级员工到资深专业人员,都很喜欢采用这种新科技手段。
Though Wookiees do have a primitive appearance, they are quite comfortable with advanced technology. 虽然乌奇人有着原始的外表,但他们能很好的适应先进的技术。