Microkernels are suitable for massively parallel systems, meaning systems that use many processors to run one application. 微内核适合于大规模并行(MP)系统,这意味着系统使用很多处理器来运行一个应用程序。
To simplify the development of massively parallel programs Google and IBM have created the following resources 为了简化大规模并行(MP)程序的开发,Google和IBM提供了以下资源
Stability Analysis of the Power System for Massively Parallel(MP) Computers 大规模并行(MP)计算机电源系统稳定性分析
The TwinFin's massively parallel processing ( MPP ) architecture and huge memory capacity make it incredibly fast at analyzing huge volumes of data. TwinFin的大规模并行(MP)处理(massivelyparallelprocessing,MPP)架构和巨大的内存容量使得它在分析大容量数据时,速度之快令人难以置信。
A new type of supercomputer, called the massively parallel computer, has recently been introduced, this type of computer has hundreds or even thousands of processors. 最近又出现了一种新型的超级计算机,称为大规模并行(MP)计算机。这种计算机拥有几百个或者甚至几千个处理器。