More " the face guard " the method utilized " the closure " has sung with the teaching. 更多的把“关闭”“面罩”方法运用到了演唱和教学中。
It is Paasche graceful taking breathing face guard to pull me to come back with guide. 是帕斯曼和向导带着呼吸面罩把我拖了回来。
Observation of the effect of Bi-level positive airway pressure to treat COPD to amalgamate breath horizontally by the face guard mask 经面罩双水平正压通气治疗慢性阻塞性肺病合并呼吸衰竭的疗效观察
Voltage stabilization controll system of hydraulic support face guard 液压支架侧护板稳压控制系统
The " forward " face guard theory and " backward " pharynx sound theory, developed from the Italian traditional Bel Canto, are the core threads that run through all ideas in various vocal music schools. 源自意大利传统美声唱法的靠前派面罩说、靠后派咽音说,是贯穿各声乐学派艺术理念的中心线索。