Check the local host short and full name using the hostname command, as shown in the listing. 使用hostname命令可以查看本地主机(LH)的缩短名和全名,如如下清单所示。
Networking activity on the local host has not been initiated. 本地主机(LH)上的网络活动没有初始化。
International student adviser Nadia Sifri says they are connected with local host families when they first arrive. 国际生顾问nadiasifri说这些留学生刚到美国的时候就是和当地的美国家庭联系的。
The Windows API expects certificates to be in the physical store on the local host. WindowsAPI期望证书在本地主机(LH)上的物理存储中。
Parallel-rsync works similarly, running rsync in parallel to manage files between the local host and the remote hosts listed in the manifest. parallel-rsync的工作方式相似,它通过运行rsync并行地在本地主机(LH)和清单中列出的远程主机之间管理文件。