Changes of human skeletal muscle volume and cholin / creatin ratio under simulated weightlessness condition and the effect of exercise in muscle atrophy 模拟失重对人体骨骼肌体积和肌内乙酰胆碱/肌酸比值的影响及等张运动对肌萎缩的作用
First, an interactive volume modeling method is proposed to build skeletal muscles within scalar volume data from computer tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. 第一,本文提出一种交互的体建模方法,用于在来自计算机断层摄影(CT)或磁共振成像(MRI)技术的标量体数据中构造骨骼肌。
In skeletal muscle aging, the most obvious symptoms are muscle attenuation ( Sarcopenia ), which is based on muscle mass, volume, and decreased muscle strength for the main features of a frequently-occurring disease symptoms in the elderly. 在骨骼肌衰老中,最明显的是肌肉衰减征(Sarcopenia),它是以肌肉质量、体积以及肌肉力量下降为主要特征的一种中老年人多发病征。