Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping 外出购物的时候练习一下心算。
This paper discussed the effect of relaxation training on cardiovascular reactivity and mental arithmetic achievement. 本实验目的在于探讨放松训练对正常状态和心算应激时心率、T波幅度的影响。
Influence of mental abacus calculation practice on mental arithmetic in children : a fMRI study 珠心算加法练习对儿童心算影响的fMRI研究
In working memory, we manipulate these elements, performing pattern matching, mental arithmetic, mental projection of situations, and many other forms of active processing. 在工作记忆中,我们使用这些元素:执行模式匹配、心算、对情况的心理上的投射和许多其他的正在处理的形式。
A Study of the Difference in Time of Pupils ' Mental Arithmetic(MA) on Addition 小学生加法口算时间的差异性研究